What happens when I end or delete my campaign?

Ending your campaign:

To end your campaign, go to your campaign dashboard, and click the top-right dropdown menu More Actions > End Campaign option.

Here's what happens when you end your campaign:

  • New participants can still be added but no referrals will be triggered. Any campaign emails that you have enabled at the Campaign Editor > 3. Emails step will also not be sent out.
  • If you have a Leaderboard reward, then emails will be sent to the winners and non-winners (only if you have these emails enabled in the Emails step in the Campaign Editor)
  • The GrowSurf floating button(s) will no longer be displayed on your site, regardless of the settings you have configured in the Design step in the Campaign Editor
  • If you are using the GrowSurf JavaScript Web API, the functions will still work normally, but the GrowSurf server will prevent any new referrals to be triggered

Deleting your campaign:

To delete your campaign, go to your campaign dashboard, and click the top-right dropdown menu More Actions > Delete Campaign option.

Here's what happens when you delete your campaign:

  • Deleting a campaign is permanent, and you will not be able to recover your campaign and participants' data. We strongly encourage that you download your participants' list before deleting it.
  • The GrowSurf widget will no longer be displayed on your site, regardless of the Widget settings you have configured in the Design step in the Campaign Editor
  • If you have a Leaderboard reward, no emails will be sent to the winners and non-winners (regardless if you have these emails enabled in the Emails step in the Campaign Editor)
  • If you are using the GrowSurf JavaScript Web API, the functions will still work normally, but the GrowSurf server will prevent any new referrals to be triggered
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