How can I send unique coupon codes as rewards?
When a participant unlocks a reward, you can automate issuing them a unique coupon code by using either GrowSurf's Zapier or Webhooks integrations.
Using Zapier
When using Zapier, you will need to use a third-party service for issuing coupons -- please see here for some options.
For a step-by-step tutorial of how to issue unique coupon codes using Zapier, please see
Using Webhooks
If you do not wish to use a third-party coupon service, you would need to use Webhooks. Webhooks allows you to make an API call to your primary billing/payment provider (e.g, Shopify) for issuing out unique coupon codes.
Alternatively, if you do not want to set up your own server for handling GrowSurf webhooks, you could use Zapier to host your webhooks. Please see this article for more details: