Embeddable elements are not showing up on my webpage even after whitelisting the URL

If you are using a browser that has cookies disabled (e.g, Brave browser), GrowSurf will not be able to function properly.

The reason for this is that GrowSurf relies on using cookies and local storage, however if these native browser features are disabled, the GrowSurf Universal Code will not work. This means that any front-end related functionality based on the GrowSurf Universal Code ( JavaScript Web API, Embeddable Elements) will not work.

In general, because of the way referral tracking software relies on cookies, local storage, as well as third-party HTTP requests, browsers like Brave that block cookies will not be compatible with referral tracking software.*


  • In order to integrate GrowSurf to support cookie-blocking browsers such as Brave, you will need to implement a server-side solution using the GrowSurf REST API.
  • An alternative option may be that you display a message on your webpage informing the user to enable cookies so they may see and interact with the referral program properly.

*A technical example: Some versions of Brave do not relay any HTTP Referer header, which GrowSurf requires for successful network requests. Their general rule outside of some exceptions is that if the referring origin and referred-to origin are not the same eTLD+1, then Brave uses the referred-to URL's origin.

In simpler terms, Brave spoofs the cross-origin Referer header when '3rd party cookie block' is enabled.

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