When using the embedded form to automatically add participants, is there a way to prevent the signup form from being displayed?

If you're using the GrowSurf embedded form and passing a data-grsf-email attribute (to automatically create or log in a participant) or redirecting users to a thank-you page after signup, the signup form may briefly appear.

This happens because GrowSurf must wait for a network request to complete. However, this only occurs if a participant cookie does not already exist in the browser, meaning only first-time participants should see the signup form flash. If a participant cookie is already present, GrowSurf prevents the signup form from displaying. Once the network request is completed, the participant will immediately see their unique share link and social share buttons without encountering the signup form.

To ensure the signup form does not appear, refer to Example 7: Hide the GrowSurf embedded form until a GrowSurf participant is detected.

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