How to make changes to your referral program
Let's say that you want to increase your reward amount in your existing GrowSurf campaign from $50 to $100 as a temporary promotional boost. This page serves as an end-to-end checklist of what changes you should be making to your GrowSurf campaign and other areas of implementation.
Marketing checklist
🚀 = Use reward metadata to save time on these steps
- Update your rewards (in Campaign Editor > 1. Rewards)
- 🚀 Update Share > Social Share messages (in Campaign Editor > 2. Design)
- 🚀 If your referral portal implementation is the sliding GrowSurf window, update the window Header Content (in Campaign Editor > 2. Design)
- Update the Referral Portal text, if applicable (in Campaign Editor > 2. Design)
- Update the Referral Portal > FAQs and Terms, if applicable (in Campaign Editor > 2. Design)
- 🚀 Update the email messaging to ensure any old messaging is updated (in Campaign Editor > 3. Emails)
- If you are using a reward automation integration (e.g, Stripe, PayPal, Tango Card) make sure that the values (e.g, $50) are updated to be the new reward values (in Campaign Editor > 4. Options)
- Check your changes on your referral portal:
- If using the GrowSurf-hosted referral portal (e.g,, then visit the page to make sure that all the language is updated
- If applicable, double-check if the custom referral portal domain is still working (e.g,
- Work with your development team to accomplish the following changes (referenced in the checklist further below):
- Make sure your website and/or web app have the updated info in header/footer messaging
- [If connected to an email integration like Mailchimp] If you have referral messaging in your email templates, update your email copy and images
- If using your own website/web app as a referral portal, double-check that all updates are present as expected
- If you have messaging anywhere else on your website or web app that promotes your referral program, provide your developer with any new messaging
- Work with your customer success team for updated info:
- Touch base with on new referral promotion for customer interactions -- establish a formal new protocol or provide updated reward values
- Create/update marketing game plan:
- Determine official launch date [of changes]
- Queue up email announcements and social media blasts
- Include referral link promotions in all upcoming/future promotional emails
Development checklist
Provide this checklist to your development team or developer.
🚀 = Use reward metadata to save time on these steps
- 🚀 If you are using Webhooks or Zapier to automate rewards, update any values that may need to be updated (provided by marketing). View how to set up dynamic rewards.
- Make sure website and/or web app have the updated header/footer messaging (provided by marketing)
- [If connected to an ESP like Mailchimp] If you have referral messaging in your email templates, update them with new messaging and/or images (provided by marketing)
- If using your own website/web app as a referral portal, check that all elements/text on the page reflect new messaging changes (provided by marketing)
- If you have messaging on your website and/or web app that promotes the referral program (e.g, header/footer link), update them with new messaging (provided by marketing)
- Go through testing to ensure referral tracking and referral triggers still work. Make sure that reward(s) get unlocked and that emails get sent out
Customer success checklist
Provide this checklist to your customer success lead or manager.
- [If rewards were updated] Inform team of new changes when they will happen.
- Update or create canned responses for customer referral asks
- Implement formal referral asking protocol for support/success teams for all satisfied customer interactions and tickets