How can I change the owner of my GrowSurf team?

Although transferring ownership is not directly possible between two GrowSurf accounts,  there is a workaround to switch email addresses between two different users, which achieves the same goal.

This may be helpful in situations where you have two team members, where one is the primary owner and you would like to switch the primary owner with another member of your GrowSurf team.

Follow these workaround directions:

  1. Go to your Settings page and update your email address to a different email address (if your email is [email protected], change it to [email protected]).
  2. Have the other person change their email address (if their email address is [email protected] then have them change it to [email protected]).
  3. Update your email address again from [email protected] to [email protected]. Then request a password reset from the Login page to update your password. Have the other person perform these same actions.

NOTE: If you are authenticated via Google, please reset your password first before following the instructions above.

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