How to set up a custom domain for your referral portal

GrowSurf provides a dedicated referral portal hosted on the domain for every campaign. This portal serves as a platform for your participants to track the status of their referrals, access their unique referral link, and check their reward progress. However, if you would like to customize your referral portal URL to match your brand, GrowSurf allows you to add a custom domain.

To add a custom domain to your referral portal, you must go to Campaign Editor > 2. Design > Referral Portal Advanced Settings and add the domain you want for your referral portal. The custom domain can be an apex domain ( or a subdomain (

Multiple campaigns

Suppose you have multiple GrowSurf campaigns and want to set up a custom domain for all of them. Each domain would need to be a different apex domain or subdomain. You cannot use one a single shared domain (e.g., for multiple campaigns.  For example, you would need to have domains like,, and

NOTE: For each custom domain you add to your campaign, you must add the CNAME record for that specific domain.

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