Where can I find my campaign's dedicated referral portal?

Every GrowSurf campaign comes with a dedicated referral portal hosted on https://grow.surf. This page is where your participants can go to track the status of their referrals, grab their unique link, and check their reward progress.

Your campaign-specific URL can be found at https://grow.surf/YOUR_CAMPAIGN_ID .

Click here to see an example.

Important notes

Your campaign's referral portal is in  Campaign Editor > 2. Design > Referral Portal. 

To add a custom domain to your referral portal go to  Campaign Editor > 2. Design > Referral Portal Advanced Settings

A referral portal has 5 layout themes and can be accessed in  Campaign Editor > 2. Design > Referral Portal Appearance 

To design your referral portal go to Campaign Editor > 2. Design > Theme Styles

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